Commenting, Quote of the Day, and music

Click on where it says nickers & whinnies at the bottom of a post to post a comment:)! Don't be shy post comments PLEASE!!!!
The Quote of the Week is at the bottom of the page:D!
My Playlist(where you can play all the songs)is on the right side of the page towards the bottom and just click on the song you want to play and then click video:)! Hope that helped:D!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

READ NOW! And help save Delilah

You HAVE to read about this horse!!! Her hoof came off because she got her hoof caught in her panels and the blood flow to her hoof got cut off! Pray for them! Educate other ppl! Here is the link~


Bella said...

Oh my gosh! That sounds HORRIBLY painful! I would basically DIE if something like that happened to Stewbug... I feel so bad for the horse. Poor Delilah.


Jordyn Daniels said...

Probably is! Same here!!!! I'll post about EVERYTHING tomorrow. I'm WAY to tired to do it now....

~Southern Commander~

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