Commenting, Quote of the Day, and music

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Good News!!!

I don't know if I ever told ya'll but a couple of weeks or so ago my Aunt was diagnosed w/ chronic hepatitis and it was neither curable or treatable.  It meant that in 15-20 yrs she would have a flare up and would have a slow and painful death.  Here is a description of Hepatitis~


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Classification and external resources
Alcoholic hepatitis evident by fatty change, cellnecrosisMallory bodies
Hepatitis (plural hepatitides) implies injury to the liver characterized by the presence of inflammatory cells in the tissue of the organ. The name is from ancient Greek hepar (ἧπαρ), the root being hepat- (ἡπατ-), meaning liver, and suffix -itis, meaning "inflammation" (c. 1727)[1]. The condition can be self-limiting, healing on its own, or can progress to scarring of the liver. Hepatitis is acute when it lasts less than six months and chronic when it persists longer. A group of viruses known as the hepatitis viruses cause most cases of liver damage worldwide. Hepatitis can also be due to toxins (notably alcohol), other infections or from autoimmune process. It may run a subclinical course when the affected person may not feel ill. The patient becomes unwell and symptomatic when the disease impairs liver functions that include, among other things, removal of harmful substances, regulation of blood composition, and production of bile to help digestion.
She is NOT an alcoholic or anything so they thought it was the auto-immune thing.  So we had EVERYONE praying for her and she took the test again and she DID NOT HAVE IT!!!!  It ended up she has something wrong w/ her sphinx (???) and that it can be fixed w/ medicine or a simple surgery!  YAY!  This family has had so much heartache w/ Uncle Todd dying in August, my paternal Great Grandmother dying as I type, and my maternal Great Grandmother dying from cancer as I type......
See yah....


Bella said...

Well, that's good news! I'm so glad it wasn't the scenario you thought it was... sounds scary... wouldn't wanna get that!

Abigail said...

Hey Lauren! Great news about your Aunt. I've been great! hows summer? talk to you soon!

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