Commenting, Quote of the Day, and music

Click on where it says nickers & whinnies at the bottom of a post to post a comment:)! Don't be shy post comments PLEASE!!!!
The Quote of the Week is at the bottom of the page:D!
My Playlist(where you can play all the songs)is on the right side of the page towards the bottom and just click on the song you want to play and then click video:)! Hope that helped:D!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Personality

Hey Y'all!  Sorry I haven't posted in like FOREVER!  I'll *try* to post more often!  I did a personality profile the other day and here is what I got~
Click to view my Personality Profile page

~And here is what it says about it~

INTP's - The "Engineer"
INTPs are logical, individualistic, reserved (BIG time), and very curious (HUGELY) individuals. They focus on ideas, theories and the explanation of how things work (Yep, that's me). They are especially adept at discussions and debate (SO me). They have the ability to focus intently on a subject. They appreciate and respect intelligence in others.

INTP Relationships

INTPs live rich worlds inside their minds, which are full of imagination and excitement. Consequently, they sometimes find the external world pales in comparison. This may result in a lack of motivation to form and maintain relationships. INTPs are not likely to have a very large circle of significant relationships in their lives. They're much more likely to have a few very close relationships, which they hold in great esteem and with great affection. Since the INTP's primary focus and attention is turned inwards, aimed towards seeking clarity from abstract ideas, they are not naturally tuned into others' emotional feelings and needs. They tend to be difficult to get to know well, and hold back parts of themselves until the other person has proven themselves "worthy" of hearing the INTP's thoughts. Holding Knowledge and Brain Power above all else in importance, the INTP will choose to be around people who they consider to be intelligent. Once the INTP has committed themself to a relationship, they tend to be very faithful and loyal, and form affectionate attachments which are pure and straight-forward. The INTP has no interest or understanding of game-playing with regards to relationships. However, if something happens which the INTP considers irreconciliable, they will leave the relationship and not look back.

INTP Strengths

  • They feel love and affection for those close to them which is almost childlike in its purity
  • Generally laid-back and easy-going, willing to defer to their mates
  • Approach things which interest them very enthusiastically
  • Richly imaginative and creative
  • Do not feel personally threatened by conflict or criticism
  • Usually are not demanding, with simple daily needs
  • ________________________________

INTP Weaknesses

  • Not naturally in tune with others' feelings; slow to respond to emotional needs
  • Not naturally good at expressing their own feelings and emotions
  • Tend to be suspicious and distrusting of others
  • Not usually good at practical matters, such as money management, unless their work involves these concerns
  • They have difficulty leaving bad relationships
  • Tend to "blow off" conflict situations by ignoring them, or else they "blow up" in heated anger

~Check out these links, too!~

That is me to a tee!  I love looking up the different personalities and seeing which one I am and which one my friends and family are :).  It's just too fun!  It has also given me some tips on how I can get along better with other people and "open up" a little bit :).  Hope you enjoy reading a little bit about me :D!
  Click on the badge (the pic thing at the top of the post) and take the test!  Comment and tell me what YOU are!  I'm curious :).  


~Abby said...

Hey girl!
I haven't heard from you in 4-EVER!!!! Are you okay? I saw that you were on internet again and have sent you several e-mails. just curious.. I tried to take the quiz thingy but it said I had to have and account and I didn't want to create one, in plus, my Mom wouldn't let me. Soo... yeah! tty ASAP!

~Abby said...

Hi, again!
I forgot to tell you something!!!! I LOVE your new look it's great!!! I love your new siggy too!!!! Did you make another blog? just curious 'cause I was on Kirstin's blog and decided to take a shortcut over to your blog and there was another one on your list. I didn't see it on the top bar thingy where it said all of your blogs so I thought I'd ask! ttyl!!! =D

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