Commenting, Quote of the Day, and music

Click on where it says nickers & whinnies at the bottom of a post to post a comment:)! Don't be shy post comments PLEASE!!!!
The Quote of the Week is at the bottom of the page:D!
My Playlist(where you can play all the songs)is on the right side of the page towards the bottom and just click on the song you want to play and then click video:)! Hope that helped:D!

Friday, September 25, 2009


Abby: Hi peeps!! I'm Abby, Lauren's friend.
Lauren: Whaz up, Abby?
Abby: Nothin' much.  How 'bout you?
Lauren: Same here :P!  lol!
Abby: Hi Sonny!
Sonny: Go 'way, can't you see I'm eatin' here!?!?!
Abby: You are sooo rude, Sonny!
Lauren: *sigh*
Sonny: ARGH!!!  Go 'way RED!!!!!!
Red: I didn't do nothin' wrong!  Mom he's bein' mean!
Lauren: SONNY!!!!!!!
Sonny: This is nice.... alll this 'tention. Give me more apple!!!!!
Abby: You're so bossy and stubborn, Sonny!!!!!
Red: He's biting me again!!!!!  Make him stop!
Arby: QUIET!!!!  *sudden quiet* Thank you ya' young fellers.. *sudden noise* STOP!!!!!!  From now on I an't  sayin' thank ya'!!!!!
 Abby: Y'all are so funny and annoying!!!
Arby: I know they are!
Abby: I was talkin' 'bout you too, Miss Arby!
Arby: *huff* u are the rude one!!!
Rambo: haha!!!!  She needs some talkin' to like that!!
Lauren: BE QUIET!!!!!  Can a body get any peace around here?????
Abby: Well, I suppose, but its gotta be hard!
Lauren: I don't think so....  Especially w/ a screamin' Sarah nearby!
Sarah: You are so RUDE Lauren!
Abby: haha!!! That's HILARIOUS!!!!!
Lauren: *HUFF*
Sonny: *laughter in background* Be nice to my ma!
Red: Yah!
Arby: BE QUIET!!!!!
Rambo: Kick her daylights out!
Abby: Y'all are sooo rude to my best bud!!!!! Sonny, c'mon boy, lets go ride!
Sonny: RIDE!!!  Remember I'm LAZY!  It takes mom 10-20 minutes to get my energy level up....
Red: hehe!  My energy level NEVER comes up except for if you do point to point with food....
Lauren: ???  HUH?  Oh Lets go play chase the tiger Sonny and Red!
Sonny: WOO HOO!
Red: YAY!
Abby: Have fun!!! I'll be ridin' you later Sonny!!! So don't get to much energy OUT!!!!!
Sonny: *sigh*  But-----
Lauren: SONNY!  You WILL be ridden later!  Got it!?!



Abigail said...

We are so great! I had fun today!!! Did you? Sonny is SOOO SWEET!!!!! - and stubborn! E-mail me! tty ASAP!

Abigail said...

By the way- Do you remember my e-mail address? If you don't just tell me and I'll e-mail you!

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