Commenting, Quote of the Day, and music

Click on where it says nickers & whinnies at the bottom of a post to post a comment:)! Don't be shy post comments PLEASE!!!!
The Quote of the Week is at the bottom of the page:D!
My Playlist(where you can play all the songs)is on the right side of the page towards the bottom and just click on the song you want to play and then click video:)! Hope that helped:D!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

A Contest! WOO HOO! Check it out! You'll SO want to enter!!

Ok, so I'm having a contest on my other blog.  Its to pick a new name for Red, who will, from now on, be called either Tobias or Toby.  Check it out and enter!!!!!  Here is the link~
A Contest!  WOO HOO!  Check it out!  You'll SO want to enter!

The prize will be a customized blog header and/or a blog button!  Soooooooo ENTER!!!!  What are you waiting for?!?!?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Personality

Hey Y'all!  Sorry I haven't posted in like FOREVER!  I'll *try* to post more often!  I did a personality profile the other day and here is what I got~
Click to view my Personality Profile page

~And here is what it says about it~

INTP's - The "Engineer"
INTPs are logical, individualistic, reserved (BIG time), and very curious (HUGELY) individuals. They focus on ideas, theories and the explanation of how things work (Yep, that's me). They are especially adept at discussions and debate (SO me). They have the ability to focus intently on a subject. They appreciate and respect intelligence in others.

INTP Relationships

INTPs live rich worlds inside their minds, which are full of imagination and excitement. Consequently, they sometimes find the external world pales in comparison. This may result in a lack of motivation to form and maintain relationships. INTPs are not likely to have a very large circle of significant relationships in their lives. They're much more likely to have a few very close relationships, which they hold in great esteem and with great affection. Since the INTP's primary focus and attention is turned inwards, aimed towards seeking clarity from abstract ideas, they are not naturally tuned into others' emotional feelings and needs. They tend to be difficult to get to know well, and hold back parts of themselves until the other person has proven themselves "worthy" of hearing the INTP's thoughts. Holding Knowledge and Brain Power above all else in importance, the INTP will choose to be around people who they consider to be intelligent. Once the INTP has committed themself to a relationship, they tend to be very faithful and loyal, and form affectionate attachments which are pure and straight-forward. The INTP has no interest or understanding of game-playing with regards to relationships. However, if something happens which the INTP considers irreconciliable, they will leave the relationship and not look back.

INTP Strengths

  • They feel love and affection for those close to them which is almost childlike in its purity
  • Generally laid-back and easy-going, willing to defer to their mates
  • Approach things which interest them very enthusiastically
  • Richly imaginative and creative
  • Do not feel personally threatened by conflict or criticism
  • Usually are not demanding, with simple daily needs
  • ________________________________

INTP Weaknesses

  • Not naturally in tune with others' feelings; slow to respond to emotional needs
  • Not naturally good at expressing their own feelings and emotions
  • Tend to be suspicious and distrusting of others
  • Not usually good at practical matters, such as money management, unless their work involves these concerns
  • They have difficulty leaving bad relationships
  • Tend to "blow off" conflict situations by ignoring them, or else they "blow up" in heated anger

~Check out these links, too!~

That is me to a tee!  I love looking up the different personalities and seeing which one I am and which one my friends and family are :).  It's just too fun!  It has also given me some tips on how I can get along better with other people and "open up" a little bit :).  Hope you enjoy reading a little bit about me :D!
  Click on the badge (the pic thing at the top of the post) and take the test!  Comment and tell me what YOU are!  I'm curious :).  

Friday, September 25, 2009


Abby: Hi peeps!! I'm Abby, Lauren's friend.
Lauren: Whaz up, Abby?
Abby: Nothin' much.  How 'bout you?
Lauren: Same here :P!  lol!
Abby: Hi Sonny!
Sonny: Go 'way, can't you see I'm eatin' here!?!?!
Abby: You are sooo rude, Sonny!
Lauren: *sigh*
Sonny: ARGH!!!  Go 'way RED!!!!!!
Red: I didn't do nothin' wrong!  Mom he's bein' mean!
Lauren: SONNY!!!!!!!
Sonny: This is nice.... alll this 'tention. Give me more apple!!!!!
Abby: You're so bossy and stubborn, Sonny!!!!!
Red: He's biting me again!!!!!  Make him stop!
Arby: QUIET!!!!  *sudden quiet* Thank you ya' young fellers.. *sudden noise* STOP!!!!!!  From now on I an't  sayin' thank ya'!!!!!
 Abby: Y'all are so funny and annoying!!!
Arby: I know they are!
Abby: I was talkin' 'bout you too, Miss Arby!
Arby: *huff* u are the rude one!!!
Rambo: haha!!!!  She needs some talkin' to like that!!
Lauren: BE QUIET!!!!!  Can a body get any peace around here?????
Abby: Well, I suppose, but its gotta be hard!
Lauren: I don't think so....  Especially w/ a screamin' Sarah nearby!
Sarah: You are so RUDE Lauren!
Abby: haha!!! That's HILARIOUS!!!!!
Lauren: *HUFF*
Sonny: *laughter in background* Be nice to my ma!
Red: Yah!
Arby: BE QUIET!!!!!
Rambo: Kick her daylights out!
Abby: Y'all are sooo rude to my best bud!!!!! Sonny, c'mon boy, lets go ride!
Sonny: RIDE!!!  Remember I'm LAZY!  It takes mom 10-20 minutes to get my energy level up....
Red: hehe!  My energy level NEVER comes up except for if you do point to point with food....
Lauren: ???  HUH?  Oh Lets go play chase the tiger Sonny and Red!
Sonny: WOO HOO!
Red: YAY!
Abby: Have fun!!! I'll be ridin' you later Sonny!!! So don't get to much energy OUT!!!!!
Sonny: *sigh*  But-----
Lauren: SONNY!  You WILL be ridden later!  Got it!?!



Y'all HAVE to watch this movie!  It is HILARIOUS!!!!  Here it is~

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

School and busyness...

I JUST got finished with school!  We started yesterday so everything is SUPER easy:)!  I am taking Algebra 2, Hebrew, Economics, and Biology for my high school courses and I am only in 8th GRADE!!!! But everything, so far, is REALLY easy:).  We go to a co-op on Monday, Bright Lights on Tuesday, Wednesday we are going down to Naples to visit my cousins and to see my grandparents, normally on Wednesday we have school at FCA until 9-3 but that doesn't start till next week, and after  school on FCA days I have a Biology Lab from 3-5:30ish!  BUSY!!!!  Oh and Thursday I give a lesson to my cousin and a friend of hers!  So my only free day is FRIDAY!!!!  UGH!!!!  But Oh Well...  What are y'all doing for school?  Are y'all as busy as me?  Comment and tell me!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New Look, Hospital visit, and new blogs:)!

Whoa!  Last night was ROUGH!!!  Anna Grace spit up blood so we called the doctor and the doctor said if she did it again to go to the hospital.  Well then she fell asleep on mom so mom woke her up because she needed  bath.  SHE WOULD NOT GET UP!!!!  She finally got up so I gave her her bath.  SHE PEED NEON GREEN/YELLOW PEE!!!!  So mom and dad brought us to the neighbors and rushed to the hospital.  She ended up being fine but we NEVER spend the night at friends houses' but last night we had to.  We went to bed late and then we went home when they had to got to school:)!  STRESSFUL!!!!  But Oh, Well...

How do you like the new look?

I also made some new blogs so here they are~

~My "Walk of Faith" (Walk with Christ) blog~

~My Photography Blog~

Hope you like 'em:)!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Update! And the blog you should go to if you want to hear more about me:)!

Hi!  Sorry I haven't posted in like FOREVER!!!  Not much has been going on though...  Oh, if you want to hear more of what I'm doing go to my other blog at My Journey Through Natural Horsemanship .  All I really do is work with horses lol!  I have been hanging with friends a lot the past 2 days though:)!  Well gtg!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Here are some pics of me w/out braces~
~Pop Art Effect lol!~
~Colored Pencil Effect~
~Normal Effect~
It feels SOO GOOD to have them off...  I get the retainer next week so I am also retainer free!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009


I AM GETTING MY BRACES OFF THIS UPCOMING WEDNESDAY!!!  YAY!!!  I am soooo excited!  My sisters and my dad are leaving for Naples tomorrow for the family reunion on my dad's side.  Me and mom will go up periodically since it is only an hour and a half away…  Well gtg post on my other blog : - P!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Yo! And a Tag

Yo!  Here is something my trainer in SC sent me and I would like to make it into a tag and here are the directions to post w/ it~
1. You have to tag 7 people and contact them in a timely manner
2. You are to post these directions and the post on your blog

I thank you for being you!
You say:  'It's impossible'  
God says:   All things are possible  
(Luke 18:27)  
You say:  'I'm too tired'  
God says:  I will give you rest  
(Matthew 11:28-30)  
You say:  'Nobody really loves me'  
God says:  I love you
(John 3:1   6 & John 3:34 )  
You say:  'I can't go on'  
God says:  My grace is sufficient
(II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)  
You say:  'I can't figure things out'  
God says:  I will direct your steps  
(Proverbs 3:5-  6) 
You say:  'I can't do it'  
God says:  You can do all things  
( Phil ippians 4:13)  
You say:  'I'm not able'  
God says:  I am able
(II Corinthians 9:8)  
You say: 'It's not worth it'
God says:  It will be worth it  
(Roman 8:28 )  
You say:  'I can't forgive my self'  
God says:  I Forgive you  
(I John 1:9 & Romans 8:1)  
You say:  'I can't manage'  
God says:  I will supply all your needs  
( Phil ippians 4:19)  
You say:  'I'm afraid'  
God says:  I have not given you a spirit of fear  
(II Timothy 1:7)  
You say:  'I'm always worried and frustrated'  
God says:  Cast all your cares on ME  
(I Peter 5:7)  
You say:  'I'm not smart enough'  
God says:  I give you wisdom  
(I Corinthians 1:30)  
You say:  'I feel all alone'  
God says:  I will never leave you or forsake you  
(Hebrews 13:5)  

The first sentence is pretty powerful!

God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.' 

Father, God, bless all my friends in whatever it is that you know they may need this day! And may their lives be full of your peace, prosperity and power as they seek to have a closer relationship with you. Amen.

Now send it on to other people.

P.S.. More is better; who else do you know that needs prayer? 
Make it a wonderful day!!!

I tag Kirsten, MelimausLydia, LeaKarisAbby, and Mary 

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Good News!!!

I don't know if I ever told ya'll but a couple of weeks or so ago my Aunt was diagnosed w/ chronic hepatitis and it was neither curable or treatable.  It meant that in 15-20 yrs she would have a flare up and would have a slow and painful death.  Here is a description of Hepatitis~


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Classification and external resources
Alcoholic hepatitis evident by fatty change, cellnecrosisMallory bodies
Hepatitis (plural hepatitides) implies injury to the liver characterized by the presence of inflammatory cells in the tissue of the organ. The name is from ancient Greek hepar (ἧπαρ), the root being hepat- (ἡπατ-), meaning liver, and suffix -itis, meaning "inflammation" (c. 1727)[1]. The condition can be self-limiting, healing on its own, or can progress to scarring of the liver. Hepatitis is acute when it lasts less than six months and chronic when it persists longer. A group of viruses known as the hepatitis viruses cause most cases of liver damage worldwide. Hepatitis can also be due to toxins (notably alcohol), other infections or from autoimmune process. It may run a subclinical course when the affected person may not feel ill. The patient becomes unwell and symptomatic when the disease impairs liver functions that include, among other things, removal of harmful substances, regulation of blood composition, and production of bile to help digestion.
She is NOT an alcoholic or anything so they thought it was the auto-immune thing.  So we had EVERYONE praying for her and she took the test again and she DID NOT HAVE IT!!!!  It ended up she has something wrong w/ her sphinx (???) and that it can be fixed w/ medicine or a simple surgery!  YAY!  This family has had so much heartache w/ Uncle Todd dying in August, my paternal Great Grandmother dying as I type, and my maternal Great Grandmother dying from cancer as I type......
See yah....

Monday, June 1, 2009

REALLY funny Story (do not read if you read it on my other blog)

I HAVE to tell you what happened this morning!!!

We were walking down the rode for our daily walk and all the sudden this horse comes barreling down Mr. Porter's driveway.  We try to make sure it didn't go anywhere and mom, Anna, Lexi, and Hailey head to the house to see if someone was home.  No one was, but while they were looking me and Manna (my maternal grandmother) tried to keep the horse from heading towards the main road, which is a VERY busy road, and she didn't go anywhere but she was in heat so she was over checkin' out the boys across the street.  Every time they would touch her though she would strike out and kick at the same time. So I didn't go near her cause my mom would have strangled me : - D!  lol!  Well then someone drove by and went to grab a halter from her property.  My mom then came back and said no one was home but then while the lady was gone Mr. Porter's girlfriend (???) came by and caught the horse so we then continued w/ our walk:)!
Saturday I went on the boat and while we were out I got a WICKED sunburn!  But while we were in an idle zone a dolphin came up and SWAM RIGHT NEXT TO THE BOAT!!!  It was DIRECTLY by where I was sitting!  He went and looked at us w/ his right eye and it was as if he was asking "where is the food dude???"  It was HILLARIOUS!!  Then a couple minutes later we saw a manatee which is very rare especially in the ICW (Inter Coastal Waterway).....  Well gtg Anna is crying and I want to get home so I can watch The movie Pride and Prejudice, My FAV book, I just got from the Library.......

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Hi ya'll!  Guess What!  I won our school's science fair!!!  And I am like the YOUNGEST out of the whole class!  I am so excited!  Next time I'm at my grandparents I'll post some pics and give you the ENTIRE presentation!

Friday, May 15, 2009

How are YOU?

Yo!  Howz it?  Sorry I haven't posted in a while:)!  Been SUPER busy....  I had a science fair some other stuff...........   Comment and tell me how your doin'......

Monday, April 27, 2009

Check out my other blog!

YO!  I am soooo excited!!!!  I got Red to do the circling game FINALLY yesterday!!!  I was so proud of him... I'm still getting Sonny better at the driving game first.  I rode Sonny yesterday too and I'll try to get someone to take pics of me and him today or tomorrow....  Oh and check out my other blog at
I'll Post again later!
Savvy Out,

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Yo! I'm alive!!!

Hello!  Sorry for not posting in like 4VER!!!  Been REALLY busy!  As you might have noticed I changed the name of the blog because Lexi gave Red to me since horses are just not her thing.  I've started parelli and do it for 30min-1hour a day w/ Sonny and Red.  They seem to be doing well.....  Well I'll post tomorrow, this weekend, or around the beginning of next week.
~Savvy out~

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I'm Back! And a new Arrival! Welcome to the world Anna Grace!

I'm back!!!!  The baby was born yesterday at 9:30am!  She is ADORABLE!!!  And yes it is ANOTHER girl!  lol!  Her name is Anna Grace. She came out via c-section.  Here are some pics~
Me and Anna Grace~
Anna Grace Closeup~
Lexi and Anna Grace~
Dad feed in Anna Grace her a bottle(she had a blood sugar problem, she normally breastfeeds)~
Hailey and Anna Grace~
Mom and Anna Grace~
Everyone and Anna Grace~
Manna, Pappa, Mom, and Anna Grace~
She's 9lbs. 7oz. and 22in. long!  Has a TON of hair!!!!!!  Looks a LOT like I did when I was a baby....  Except I had VIOLET PURPLE EYES!!!!  Wish I still had em'.......  Well......  Post later....
Until then.........
Savvy Out

Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Siggy and Descriptive essay

Yo!  Like my new siggy?  I do!  lol!  Well here is a descriptive essay I did and I'll post it for you~

As the horse trots he lifts up his legs as if trotting on air.  His mane and tail billow out around him.  He breaks into a canter.  The ground shakes with each successive stride.  The hooves plant themselves with such confidence in the tuff terrain.
The powerful muscles work underneath the tight red gold hide of his body and his hide gleams in the warm sunlight.  His ears are rimmed with black, his lower legs are the darkest black I have ever seen, and around his nostrils are rings of black.  The billowing mane and tail are as black as ebony and as thick as a lion’s mane.  His dainty ears flick this way and that looking for predators.  He isn’t the slightest bit winded.
He turns his head towards you; he doesn’t slow down but moves ever faster towards you.  By the look on his face you can tell he is thrilled to see you.  The joy of his liking you so much is overwhelming!  When he gets to you he stops and puts his head on your shoulder. You can tell he loves being with people.

I have a story I am goin to post in a couple days.....  Oh and I have also started Parrelli I'll post about it later...
Until then.......
Savvy Out

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy B-Day Slick Myster and Sonny!

Happy B-Day Slick Myster and Sonny!!!!!  Hope you have an AWESOME b-day Kirsten!  I'll try to call!!!  ttyl!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I'M ALIVE! lol!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while........  My laptop decided it would make my life as hard as possible by just not working (UGH!!!!!!!!!!  I HATE that laptop!) We moved in!  Sonny nickered at me today when I went into the paddock (w/out food mind you) and my Great Grandma*tears and choking back sobs-really-*may be dying (not positive)...........  I LOVE MY ROOM!!!!!  Plus the dogs never come into the house anymore YES!!!  I have also started a book,  it is called Running to the Wild Horses and here is an exerpt~
As I step into the fog, I turn around for one last look. The two story Ranch house seems to reach through the fog to wrap its arms around me to hold me close, the white paint glistens in the moonlight, and the red shutters whisper goodbye. I am going to miss the old house. It holds a lot of old memories, memories of my parents and childhood, memories of long bygone days, and memories of the happy family I shall never have again.
Mom went into labor but they stopped it and the c-section is scheduled for April 3.......  We moved in a couple of weeks ago and it has been AWESOME!!!  But no internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Red and Rambo are HILLARIOUS!!!  They just do the funniest things.....  Been riding fairly regular.  We mostly just puts around and I am slowly conditioning his muscles (and mine) to exercise again.  Saturday we worked on our flying lead changes and he did AWESOME!  All I had to do was guide him to the pole and he did the rest now I just have to get him to do that when I ask for it without the pole Hmm......................  I'm thinking of starting Parrelli w/ the horses.  Comment and tell me what you think!  I'll post something I did for school a while back and that should hold ya over.

The Ancient World
By: Lauren

Sumer, with stunning and captivating rivers,
Lush and beautiful gardens,
Massive and magnificent Ziggurats

Egypt, with heartless and ruthless Pharaohs,
Remarkable and colossal Pyramids,
The baffling and puzzling Nile

Israel, with God’s fair and just law,
The holy and stunning temple,
And the flowing and flourishing Promised Land

Greece, with heartless and hostile gods,
Hard working and praiseworthy athletes,
Respectable and thoughtful philosophers

Rome, with harsh and immoral emperors,
Courageous and colossal armies,
Enraged and desperate gladiators

The Ancient World,
Captivating, stunning, and brutal

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

READ NOW! And help save Delilah

You HAVE to read about this horse!!! Her hoof came off because she got her hoof caught in her panels and the blood flow to her hoof got cut off! Pray for them! Educate other ppl! Here is the link~

One of my FAVORITE pics:)!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Carbon Copies and my 100th POST!! Yee Haw!

Carbon Copies
Written by Rebecca Overton
As the first performance clones become adults, the equine industry will soon see if the genetic twins can truly live up to their originals. And while the cloning procedure has raised some eyebrows among industry veterans, owners are lining up for the chance to preserve their horses’ genetic influence.
The black foal nursing at the Paint mare’s side doesn’t look like a four-legged outlaw, the equine equivalent of Billy the Kid. He doesn’t look like he has the potential to transform into an explosion of horseflesh that can slam the most experienced rodeo cowboy into the dirt.
But his genes say he does.
Dubbed Airwolf Too until officially named, the foal is a clone of 435 Airwolf, the rank, raunchy, gray gelding who bucked his way into rodeo history when he tied the all-time leading saddle-bronc score in 1996. Owned by Franklin Rodeo Company of Alberta, Canada, and produced by commercial cloning and gene-banking company ViaGen, Airwolf Too is the cantankerous gelding’s genetic twin. And it already shows.
“When they went to grab him to check him at the hospital about an hour after he was born, he was jumping and bucking and swooping around,” says Shane Franklin, owner of Franklin Rodeo Company. “He threw off one of the guys that grabbed him. If you tried to get hold of Airwolf today, he’d do the same thing.”
Foaled August 4 of this year at Timber Creek Veterinary Hospital in Canyon, Texas, Airwolf Too is seen as an opportunity to reverse a decision made more than 20 years ago. The original Airwolf was gelded, as was K2 Kingsway, who Franklin also plans to clone.
“Everyone knows hindsight is great,” he says. “When those horses go on to become champions, you think, ‘Why didn’t we leave them as studs?’ Now we’ve got the chance to get that back.”
Anecdotal evidence suggests Airwolf Too is on the bucking path of his 24-year-old original, but it’s still unknown how much his genes will contribute to his success. This year, the first American performance horse clones turned 2 and 3, and by the end of 2009, at least one will be tested against the success of the original.
Clone owners are pressing for breed associations to register clones, which none of them currently allow. Some in the industry fear the debate could snowball into litigation similar to that which the American Quarter Horse Association saw several years ago with the registration of embryo-transferred foals. The legal battle lasted two years, the association lost $550,000 in attorney’s fees, and the restriction against embryo-transferred foals was lifted.
Recently, the National Cutting Horse Association approved a policy allowing clones to show in aged events, the first time an equine performance organization set a specific policy on cloning. However, because clones are restricted from breed associations, they’re also restricted from breed-sanctioned shows.
As America’s cloned horses come into training and showing age, some owners want to find out where their investments stand. Although the procedure was controversial when it was first implemented, owners are now lining up to have their horses cloned.
Critics of the cloning industry, some of whom are breeders, are also waiting. Will clones be competitive against today’s horses? Will cloning, a $150,000 procedure, give the industry elite a breeding advantage? Will preserving the genes of yesterday’s horses prohibit the advancement of tomorrow’s legends?
Some genetic markers can be seen in action. For example, horses with certain bloodlines, such as four-time PRCA Bareback Horse of the Year Grated Coconut, seem to have bucking in their blood.
“His mother, Coconut Roll, is just as good as he is,” says Gregg Veneklasen, DVM, an equine-reproduction specialist who began transferring clone embryos for ViaGen in 2006. ViaGen, the commercial cloning and gene-banking company based in Austin, Texas, controls the patent for equine cloning.
“His ability to buck goes right down the line. It’s a family in which everything bucks.
“I truly believe DNA is far more powerful than we were ever told it is. I think it controls behavior and everything else.”
Four-time saddle-bronc champion Clint Johnson, who cloned Go Wild, the champion bucking horse given to him by the Calgary Stampede when the gelding retired, agrees.
But cloning has yet to determine how much of a horse’s success is genetic. Until now, none of the cloned horses have been old enough to test against their originals. That’s about to change.
Phil Rapp, the cutting industry’s all-time earnings leader, plans to show Whats On Tap, a replicate of multiple National Cutting Horse Association champion Tap Olena, in the 2009 NCHA Futurity. Under NCHA rules, a horse does not have to be registered with a breed association to be shown. Any 3-year-old can compete.
Rapp also owned Playboys Ruby Too, a clone of Playboys Ruby, the second all-time leading producer of cutting horses, until he sold both mares in 2006.
From the beginning, Rapp has said his goal is to see if the clones compete as well as the originals.
“Whats On Tap is very much like her original,” says Rapp, who raised and trained Tap Olena. “Playboys Ruby Too is much like Playboys Ruby’s colts.”
NCHA and other performance groups, such as the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association, Women’s Professional Rodeo Association and National Barrel Horse Association, allow clones to show, but breed associations balk at registration.
Last year, lawyer Ernest Cannon, who owns two clones of Jae Bar Fletch, filed for registration applications with AQHA. The association tabled a proposal to amend Rule 227a, which doesn’t allow registration of clones, pending further study. The association is expected to act on the proposal at its March 2009 convention.
Several years ago, the association faced a similar situation with several breeders who wanted to register embryo-transfer foals. After a two-year battle and facing millions of dollars in damage claims, AQHA reached an out-of-court settlement that allowed the foals to be registered.
“I think they opened the door to allow that; they left themselves vulnerable,” says Susie Reed, manager of Polo Ranch in Marietta, Oklahoma. “But I don’t see any vulnerability in this. I think they could refuse to do this. I don’t think there’s a need for [registering clones]. What do you register them as? Do you register them as the same horse?”
With other clones, such as Airwolf Too, paperwork is less important to the horse’s career. In fact, it’s likely Airwolf Too will go straight to stud.
“I will probably never buck these horses because the chance of them getting hurt is too high,” Franklin says. “Airwolf and Kingsway don’t need to prove themselves. That’s why we cloned them. I need them to breed to mares to get better offspring for professional rodeo as a whole.”
With two childhood friends—professional bull rider Kelly Armstrong and retired bullfighter Jason Davidson—Franklin set up a cloning partnership, Best Buckin Clones Inc., with the intention of standing cloned stallions to select mares.
“I don’t mind what Phil and Mary Ann Rapp are doing,” says Brenda Pieper of Pieper Ranch, also located in Marietta. Pieper Ranch stands several stallions including Playgun, 1996’s top money-earning 4-year-old cutting horse.
While Pieper does not support the use of clones as breeding animals, she understands why horse owners wonder how clones will perform in competition.
“The Rapps are riding theirs, they’re trying them,” she says. “They’re testing them soundness-wise, they’re testing them ability-wise. And if they’re good enough, they’re going to test them in the show pen.
“I wouldn’t do it, but the way Phil and Mary Ann are doing it would be something I could live with. But I would be very much opposed to doing it just for the sake of putting that animal into the breeding herd.”
Pieper says breeders should be striving to improve and expand the gene pool. Cloning, she says, is a step backwards.
“My idea of moving forward in the breeding business would be to try to raise the best daughter of Playgun we possibly can, and breed her to whatever we feel is the best new, young sire to come along,” Pieper says. “And, hopefully, do even better than the previous generation.”
Veneklasen contends that Franklin’s partnership could be a way to improve the breeding process and reduce costs. He also sees cloning as a means to preserve endangered species and take the guesswork out of breeding.
“I think the time will come when people will stand bucking-horse stallions,” he says. “It’s too costly to breed 200 mares and hope three of the offspring will buck. Why not breed the ones you already know will buck? Even though cloning is expensive, when you put pencil to paper it’s actually cheaper.”
Some are less convinced.
“We’re not even real big on embryo transfers,” says Reed, who stands stallions Gallo del Cielo (aka “Rooster”), Boonlight Dancer and Soula Jule Star at Polo Ranch. “We do a lot of them for customers and we do some ourselves, but all of us here believe we’re supposed to be producing better with each generation, and we believe when a horse is gone, he’s gone. We’ve got some semen frozen from Rooster, and I don’t even know if I’d use it if he died.”
Because of the price of cloning and “negative opinion about it,” Reed doesn’t see cloning changing the breeding industry, even if clones are allowed to register.
“I don’t think there will be enough of them to make an impact either way,” she says. “$150,000 is a lot of money.”
He’s black with a white star, but in a few years he’s expected to gray out like the original. Also like the original, Airwolf Too is expected to be a pistol.
“If he wants to nurse and the mare is lying down, he goes and bites her in the ear to get her up,” Franklin says. “When he gets about a year old, his true colors, his personality will come out. If he’s even half as wild and raunchy as the original, he’ll be good enough.”
After he was born, Franklin received more than 100 phone calls from people throughout the United States and Canada, interested to know more about the clone.
“Guys at the grocery store and tire shop ask me how the little guy’s doing,” he says. “When I walk down Main Street, people with suits and ties, who you’d think would have absolutely no interest in horses, ask me about the colt.”
Airwolf Too will stay at Timber Creek Veterinary Hospital with his surrogate mare until spring, when he’ll move to Bonnyville, Alberta, Franklin says.
Until then, he’s just another foal—but with a 24-year-old twin.

Rebecca Overton is a senior editor for Quarter Horse News. Send comments on this story to
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