Commenting, Quote of the Day, and music

Click on where it says nickers & whinnies at the bottom of a post to post a comment:)! Don't be shy post comments PLEASE!!!!
The Quote of the Week is at the bottom of the page:D!
My Playlist(where you can play all the songs)is on the right side of the page towards the bottom and just click on the song you want to play and then click video:)! Hope that helped:D!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Favorite Christmas Movie

Yo!  What is everyones fav Christmas movie?  I personally like "The Crippled Lamb" I used to watch it a lot when I was littler:).  Every time my Manna(gr-ma) or Mom would take it out I would cry cause I thought it was just so sad......  But I still watched it tons:D!  Well comment and tell me what your fav Christmas movies is:)!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Feel Betta' Lisa


This card is extremely important. It is to be passed around the blogger world and not to be tampered with. Lisa's recovery is so important to me, and so many other people, and even though she is already doing much, much better, I'm sure we ALL want to keep her recovery going smoothly. So, please TAKE THE CARD! :P Post it on your blog and post these instructions. (That it is to be passed around everywhere)

Everyone pass it on who notices this:D!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am Thankful for family, Sonny, Horses, Equines:D, Dogs, Canines, and animals:)!
I Hope EVERYONE has a wonderful Thanksgiving!  gtg make pies(ughhhh)!

Friday, November 21, 2008

I was Tagged(again)

You know, I'm not really feeling like telling you right now, so deal with it. :)

2. YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (first 3 letters of real name plus "izzle")


3. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color and favorite animal)


4. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (your middle name and the street you live on)

Since I am living w/ my grandparents I am going to do 2 of tem:)!

Taylor Illinois
Taylor Buckskin

5. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 2 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name)


6. YOUR SUPERHERO NAME: (color of your shirt, favorite candy or chocolate)


7. YOUR JAPANESE NAME: (2nd letter of your first name, 3rd letter of your last name, first 2 letters of your middle name, last 2 letters of your first name)

Thats makin' fun of Japenese and one of my good friends was Japenese!!!

8. YOUR WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (both parents middle names)

Thomas Joy

9. YOUR GOTH NAME: (black and the name of one of your pets)

I do NOT think my parents would approve this:D!

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Yo!  Here are some pics that I redid on
Hope you like them:)!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Christian Pumpkin;)

I thought this was really cool I got it from Slick Myster's blog:D!
A woman was asked by a coworker, "What is it like to be a Christian?"

The coworker replied, "It is like being a pumpkin." God picks you from the patch, brings you in, and washes all the dirt off of you. Then He cuts off the top and scoops out all the yucky stuff.He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, and greed. Then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside of you to shine for all the world to see."

This was passed on to me by another pumpkin. Now it's your turn to pass it to other pumpkins. I liked this enough to send it to all the pumpkins in my patch!!

Love Ya Pumpkins!

I tag Abster, Lydia, and Mellimaus to put it on their blogs and they have to tag at least 3 people:D!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Madeline Pickens to adopt 30,000 BLM horses-no joke

A Dramatic Rescue for Doomed Wild Horses of the West

By Lyndsey Layton

Washington Post Staff Writer

Tuesday, November 18, 2008; Page A01 The unwanted horses seemed destined for death. The wheels had been set in motion to put down about 2,000 healthy mustangs, those in a federally maintained herd of wild horses and burros that no one wanted to adopt.

The Bureau of Land Management knew that euthanasia was a legal alternative, but officials were proceeding slowly, afraid of an intense public outcry. The wild horses had become too expensive to maintain, and cattlemen argued that turning them loose would be a drain on the already scarce grazing lands of the West.

Then yesterday, at a public hearing in Reno, Nev., to discuss the issue, a solution arrived on a white horse, so to speak.

Madeleine Pickens, wife of billionaire T. Boone Pickens, made known her intentions to adopt not just the doomed wild horses but most or all of the 30,000 horses and burros kept in federal holding pens. Lifelong animal lovers, the Pickenses just a few years ago led the fight to close the last horse slaughterhouse in the United States.

Madeleine Pickens is looking for land in the West that would be an appropriate home for the horses.

She is working with the BLM staff to adopt the horses, said Henri Bisson, the bureau's deputy director, while the agency persuades Congress to shift $20 million in funding to feed and protect the horses now in captivity for another year. As backup to Pickens's offer, he said, two other groups, both animal rescue organizations, have expressed similar interest in adoption. "We are very hopeful that euthanasia won't be necessary this year," he said.

The news that Pickens and others intend to adopt the wild horses and burros was celebrated by animal rights groups, several of which were preparing legal challenges to prevent the government from putting the horses to death.

"Of course, I'm thrilled, obviously, that these horses are getting a reprieve," said Shelley Sawhook, president of the American Horse Defense Fund. "At the same time, we need to address the basic issue of how these animals got in this position in the first place."

Bisson said policymakers have to resolve the conflict between a law that permits euthanasia and a nation that is opposed to it. "This is a situation where we have to have a conversation about what the law requires," he said. "We're hearing from members of Congress they don't think euthanasia is an appropriate solution, but the law says, 'You shall.' " If people don't like what the law says, they need to address it. We hope we will find homes for all of these animals before the year is out and Congress will decide what it wants to do about the law."

Long an American icon and inspiration for song and story, the wild horse has special protection under a 1971 law. The federal statute calls wild horses "living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West" that should be "protected from capture, branding, harassment, or death." But the same law also requires the government to achieve "appropriate management levels" of roaming horses so they don't overwhelm federal lands -- and that's the part that has been vexing for bureau officials.

About 33,000 horses still roam wild on federal lands in 10 Western states. About half of those are in Nevada. The federal agency believes the range can accommodate only about 27,000 horses, and each year government-hired cowboys round up 7,000 to 13,000 horses and take them to holding pens in several states.

Right now, there are just over 30,000 horses in holding facilities awaiting adoption. Those 10 or older or those who have not been adopted after three tries can be sold without restriction under 2004 legislation.

Wild horses compete with cattle and wildlife for food and water. Horse advocates say federal officials have made faulty assumptions about the number of horses that can be accommodated on federal land, tilting those findings in favor of cattle interests.

"We're livestock people. We know animals live and die. And we take that as a very normal part of life. We fully realize animal rights people hate that aspect of the livestock industry. We don't particularly seek the euthanization. What we seek is the management of the population," said Jeff Eisenberg, director of federal lands for the National Cattlemen's Beef Association, an industry lobbying group.

The federal government has been rounding up wild horses since the 1980s, putting them in holding facilities and offering them for adoption to horse lovers, who promise not to sell them for slaughter. But the roundups became aggressive under the Bush administration. As of June, BLM was holding 30,088 animals, more than triple the 9,807 held in 2001.

Bisson said yesterday that the BLM would limit the roundups next year to about 5,000 horses.

Meanwhile, the pace of adoptions has been falling as the cost of feeding and caring for the wild horses has skyrocketed. The price tag to federal taxpayers for maintaining the horses tripled from $7 million in 2000 to $21 million in 2007. Hay prices for one short-term holding facility in Nevada rose from about $160 per ton in 2007 to almost $300 per ton in 2008, for example.

In a report released last week, the Government Accountability Office called the situation a "crisis" and said the bureau needed to exercise its options, including euthanasia and the practice of selling the wild horses "without restriction," meaning they could be sold for slaughter.

In the first analysis of BLM's wild horse program in 18 years, the GAO found that the agency lacked a coherent nationwide management policy. The GAO recommended that the bureau investigate alternatives to euthanasia and adoption.

Animal rights groups say the government ought to sterilize horses and return them to the wild to live out their lives. In addition, they say, it should offer tax incentives to landowners who allow wild horses to live on private land.

Virginie L. Parant of the American Wild Horses Preservation Campaign, a coalition of about 45 groups, said the BLM does not use a scientifically sound method to estimate the size of horse herds or the number of horses that can be sustained on the range. That makes the roundups arbitrary, she said.

What's more, about 19 million acres of land where wild horses once roamed have been removed from the program, reducing the amount of land available to the horses and increasing their concentration elsewhere.

People on all sides of the issue recognize some fundamental changes are needed.

"It's intractable," Eisenberg said. "The animal rights people put the BLM in a box. We are seeking a balance in the land. Congress doesn't want to put more funding into these holding facilities, especially when times are tight. It's a problem nobody likes."

Click Here to view it at the website

Monday, November 17, 2008

I've been Tagged *strangled gasp* JK

Yo!  I was tagged by Mellimaus
The rules…

Find the 6th folder in your pictures directory and post the 6th photo in it.

So here are the instructions:

* Go to your sixth picture folder then pick your sixth picture.

* Pray that you remember the details.

* Post it on your blog.

* Tag 5 others, leave a comment to let them know they’ve been tagged.

Well here is my pic~
This was taken at my last show by Mrs.Cheryl and I then redid it on!
And I tag~

Poll Results

Yo!  I am going to post the reults for the poll and I would like everyone to tell me who they voted for in a comment:D!  I(of course)voted for Sonny!!!!  Well here are the results~
Sonny:6 votes 75%
Rambo:1 vote 12%
Arby:1 vote 12%
Red:0 votes 0%

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Million Dollar Friend award

Hi!  Mellimaus over at Riding Miss Daisy gave me this award~
and I want to pass it on to~
Slick Myster(aka my BFF) because of how great her and Slick, the horse she leases, get along and also because of Saphire, he had to be put down about 3-4 months ago cause of a fracture and Slick Myster and Saphire were really close.

I also want to pass this on to Abster(aka my other BFF) because she is such a good friend:)!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Yo!  Here is a post where you post about everything that has been going on w/ you.  Well tell me whats been happenin' at home.  Oh and Lizzie PLEASE comment on this post and if you don't you are NEVER going to hear the end of it:)!
~Lauren aka ~

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Unwritten the song

Hi!  I just wanted to post this song cause I absolutely love it:)!  Well here it is~


By: Natasha Bedingfield

I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined

I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned

Staring at the blank page before you

Open up the dirty window

Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find

Reaching for something in the distance

So close you can almost taste it

Release your inhibitions

Feel the rain on your skin

No one else can feel it for you

Only you can let it in

No one else, no one else

Can speak the words on your lips

Drench yourself in words unspoken

Live your life with arms wide open

Today is where your book begins

The rest is still unwritten.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The pics from our trip:)!

Hi!  Here are some pics of the trip I FINALLY uploaded them~
The hotel~
In front of the hotel~
An iguna at the front of the hotel~
Me, my cousin and sisters in front of a Banyon Tree~
looking over the balcony at the resturant~
The sunset from the balcony at the resturant~
Manna at the table in the hotel's resturant~
The frog that decided to have fun chasing my sisters and Maddie in the pool at like 9:00 at night(lol)~
in front of a Banyon Tree(again)~
The plastic cup at one of the hotels resturants(the one where I say balcony:D)
The bridge opening for the yachts to go back out to sea~
Hope you enjoy the pics:)!
PS:The reason it says 01/01/2004 on ALL the pics is because my camera is acting up:)!

Life with Sonny aka Sonny Memoir

Here is the Memoir aka Life with Sonny~

              My name is Lauren.  I am a horse-crazy, 12-year-old Christian girl.  I have shoulder length brown almost black hair, lots of freckles, green, blue, and brown eyes, and am 5 and a half feet tall.  I became interested in horses at around 2 or 3 years old.  I began taking lessons at age 4.  I was obsessed with horses and showed it by buying hand-painted high-end toy horses called Breyers all the time and had tons of horse posters on my walls.  I rode 1-2 times a week and worked at the barn cleaning the horse urine and poop out of stalls whenever I could when I hit about 7 years old.  I had been asking my parents for a horse since before I can remember.  My parents said I could get a horse when I was ten because they thought I would grow out of it!  But I didn't and when my tenth birthday was "looming" near I started pestering my parents more than ever.  Getting a horse meant a lot to me, and my wish was finally fulfilled on a cold January afternoon.
As my parents, my sisters, and I were driving home from church on a Sunday afternoon I noticed something strange.  We were turning into the neighborhood that the barn is located.  I asked my parents why we were here and they replied, "We just need to drop a check off to Jamie".  Well when we turned into the barn I noticed that there was a bay horse who hadn’t been there before.  So I asked my trainer, Jamie, if she got a new horse and she smiled and said "No Lauren that is your new horse Sonny".  I ran over to where he was standing.
As I wrapped my arms around his neck and breathed in the scent of horses and felt his baby fuzz against my cheek I had this bubbly feeling steal over me.  When I finally let go of him my face was beaming as I thanked my parents over and over again for giving him to me.  I then looked back at him and saw that he was beautiful rich brown in color with black mane, tail, muzzle, lower legs, and around the outside of his ears, a snip of white on his nose, a white sock on his right back leg, and a white teardrop on his forehead. I then wrapped my arms around his neck again and told him "I love you Sonny".  Then he snorted at me as if he was saying, "I love you too, Lauren".  Finally a horse of my own.
 For a week after I got Sonny I would go to the barn everyday at noon.  After that I would only go around 2-3 times a week.  Everyday that I went out I would take Sonny and walk him around to eat grass so that he would bond with me and then I would work on his ground manners.   He was slowly getting better about not running over me and pulling me to where he wanted me to go.   Then we worked on picking up his hoofs to clean out the debris, which could cause bruises if left.  Every time we would try to clean out his hooves he would freak out or lie down.  When the time came for him to get his hooves trimmed so they would not grow too long and interfere with his walking he was no better.  When the farrier came to give him a trim he was in the cross ties and started twisting but the farrier never once let go of his hoof.  When Sonny finally stopped twisting and panicking he was almost strangling himself so the farrier went and finished trimming his hoofs and we never had another problem picking up his hoofs again.
When Sonny had to be castrated the second time, because the vet did not do a good job the first time, he had to be put totally under.  He was in a lot of pain and would lie down until Mrs. Jamie or I noticed and made him get up so his organs would not get twisted and compressed.  Everyday we would have to give him penicillin shots so he could fight off any infections.  We also had to separate him from the other horses so he would not rip open the stitches or strain himself in any way.  Then one day he went loco.
          When Mrs. Jamie was giving Sonny his Penicillin shot Sonny went crazy and almost ran Mrs. Jamie over!  He flipped backwards in the cross ties then he took off with the cross ties wrapped around his legs.  It was a miracle he did not break a leg.  Then he ran straight through the electric fence, and the fence was on!  When Mrs. Jamie called me and mom she said the vet was on her way.  Mom said that we might have to put him down if he was really loco.  I burst into tears.  Mom said I was not allowed to go to the barn with her because she said I might just make him more upset.  When mom got there the vet said that he was not loco but he had just had a severe allergic reaction to the penicillin.  So mom called me and I burst into tears even harder than before because of the relief.  Isn't it funny how after you hear they are going to be okay that that is when you cry the hardest?
            When Sonny hit 2 years old Mrs. Jamie said he was old enough to ride.  So we got him used to the saddle and bridle, then I put my weight across his back and waited for a few moments.  Then I put my leg over his back and slowly straightened my back so I was sitting normal.  I kicked him slightly so that maybe he would move forward but he was not sure where I went.  He began looking behind him wondering where I had gone. So I gently kicked his sides again, but when I kicked him he swung his head around and bit my leg!  He was like, "Why did you do that mom?"  So I reached down and rubbed the teardrop on his forehead and he moved off a few steps.  By the forth or fifth lesson he was already cantering on his own.  And now he is 3-and-a-half years old and one of the most solid mounts I have ever ridden.
       Sonny and me are now working on jumping, flying lead changes, where the horse changes it's lead in the air, riding bridless, and bareback. Our next big project will be to learn tricks like lying down like a dog, bowing, curtsy bows, where the horse puts his front hooves on a low stool and tucks his head under till it almost touches the ground. I would also like to work on sliding quarter horse stops, where the horse puts his front legs forward and tucks his rear legs under to stop.  We also love to mosey around where I board and gallop around the pond.  I love my horse.
Hope you like it:)! 

Monday, November 10, 2008

Parent Appreciation:)!

Hi!  I just wanted to tell everyone how great my parents are(OK and maybe brag on them).  Well they made this move mostly for me.  My dad wanted to move on to water but I had always wanted the horses on property w/ us so we are now moving on to property:)!  Sometimes my parents iritate me or make me REALLY mad but still through and through they're usually pretty cool.  Like my mom and dad listen to the same music I do!!!!  Me and my dad argue which artist is better.  I just wanted to tell everyone to appreciate all your parents do for you.
Oh and here are some pics of them
Mom(and Sonny)~
Dad, Me, and Sonny(I know, me and Sonny look REALLY tired!!!  Thats cause we are we had just finished a lesson and a "hose down")~
I'll post tomorrow probably too:)!
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